Sunday, April 18, 2010

Garage Child Friendly Tips

Having a two year old child at home, the first concern is how to make my home child friendly. I often forget to notice that my garage is part of my home. My son will most likely accompany us wherever we go. Here are some tips that could save you and your family from garage related accident.

1. Vehicle – Always keep the doors and trunk of your vehicle close and lock. Keys must not be left inside the vehicle. Store the vehicle key away from children’s reach. Never start or operate the vehicle when children are present inside the garage without adult supervision, they should either be inside the vehicle or outside the garage. Check your vehicle regularly for oil leaks that may spill over the garage floor.
2. Tools – Make sure that every single tool, regardless of its size is out of children’s reach. If you have any tools that are hanging, make sure that it won’t fall on children.
3. Toxic Materials – These comprise of chemicals like paints, thinners, laundry detergents and the likes. These items are ideally store on shelves out of children’s reach.
4. Child own equipment – Bikes, toys and special clothing materials that are stored in a garage should be placed on an area that is only accessible by an adult.
5. Special Item – Always keep a handy fire extinguisher and a first aid kit in your garage away from children’s reach. You never know when an emergency situation will arise.
6. Garage Door – Always have your garage door checked annually by trained professionals.

I would like to stress that making your home child friendly is not only a task for families with children, but also for families that expect a child to visit them.

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